For the past several months, our team has been hard at work integrating new protocols across all levels of our organization to ensure we can deliver world-class experiences to you in as safe a manner as possible. We have worked in conjunction with national and state health guidelines, medical professionals, local business leaders, and our union partners to create a comprehensive safety plan that is intended to mitigate risks as much as possible so we may gather and enjoy all that live theatre has to offer.
Stephanie Lynge, Artistic Director
Proof of Love
By Chisa Hutchinson
Streaming Oct. 9-15
Constance thought she had a happy life and a loving husband. Suddenly, a tragic accident splinters
her upper-class black family—and forces Constance to face uncomfortable truths about her marriage
and herself. Proof of Love is an explosive, funny, and moving new one-woman play.
Online New Works Festival
Streaming Nov. 14
The Hippodrome is seeking original, creative plays written by Florida residents. The plays will be reviewed by a panel of professionals and will be judged based on the quality of writing and story. The winning playwrights will be invited to participate in development and rehearsals of their works that will be featured in a showcase online on November 14. Submissions are due by noon on September 17 and winners will be announced on October 9.
This Wonderful Life
By Steve Murray
Streaming Dec. 4-10
One actor inhabits every role in this hilariously touching stage adaptation of the iconic holiday film It’s a Wonderful Life. George Bailey, Clarence, Mr. Potter, and the gang come to life as a single actor creates a heartwarming story about the effect one hardworking man’s life has on the people around him.
A Christmas Carol
Adapted by Niall McGinty
Streaming Dec. 11-24
The cherished Gainesville tradition continues a little bit differently this year. We will be streaming our high-quality archival footage of last year’s brand new adaptation of “A Christmas Carol”. Enjoy the magic of the season right from your own home!
More Announcements Coming Spring 2021
If you are a fixed seat subscriber please note that your current seats may not be available if we reopen with socially distant seating. However, you will receive priority seating should you choose to transfer your Hipp Online Tickets to live performances. Please rest assured that your favorite seats will be saved for you when we can reopen at full capacity.