The Hippodrome strives to reflect the diversity of the community in all ways. When selecting the plays for each season, we create a Season Selection Committee. This group consists of theater professionals in our company of actors and designers as well others who have worked with us over the years.
We split up into teams of two and, with two readers for each script, we read over 200 scripts each year. The readers pass on scripts they think fulfill the mission of the Hippodrome – scripts that will challenge us, inspire us, and sometimes, just make us laugh.
The entire committee meets and votes on scripts, creating a smaller pool that we all read. We meet for a final time to argue for the scripts we think should be included in the season, and from this meeting a final pool of possibilities is created.
The Artistic Director takes this final pool and works with the logistics and needs of the theater to create the next exciting and challenging season.
Meet some of our Season Selection Committee Members:

Ryan George
Each year I’ve been a part of the committee has been more fulfilling than the last. Being able to discuss so many plays with colleagues and other artists makes me feel proud to have some small input on what The Hipp can provide it’s community in terms of stories told on that stage.

Michelle Bellaver
Participating in the season selection committee, as a company member, is an opportunity to be involved in the larger storytelling perspective of the theatre and to connect yearly with other company members to discuss what stories are the most important to our community.

Alberto Bonilla
I am a huge fan/supporter/believer in the Hippodrome and its artistic vision. I want to support and help any way I can, and one way I can participate since I am not a local – is to give my artistic gifts in helping to choose plays that support the mission statement. I love being a part of the team!

Amber Wilkerson
I love being a part of the season selection committee! I am honored to share my input regarding the shows we select each season and to collaborate with my fellow company members. As a stage manager I focus on the technical aspects of a script, providing a different perspective to the committee. I thoroughly enjoy reading and discussing each play and find it interesting to hear the different interpretations of the same story.

Nichole Hamilton
Often a theatre company’s season selection will be limited to a few people making decisions based mostly on commercial appeal. Our process creates a larger communal table for many voices to be heard, dismantling the gatekeeper norm. I am proud to serve on a committee that nurtures those voices who not only consider marketability and diversity of plays, but also which ones will provide opportunities for our talent while simultaneously broadening our audience’s global perspective.