Art Gallery at the Hippodrome
The Hipp Art Gallery offers artists a beautiful space to showcase their talent, often engaging with the themes of the current mainstage production.
For more information or to submit your work for display, email
Current Exhibit
@LeadLung on IG
Gallery Hours:
Thursday-Friday: 4pm to 7 pm
Saturday: 2pm to 8 pm
Sunday: 2pm to 6 pm
The Hipp Gallery proudly presents
Bleach Stains
Colin Curry
February 9 - March 4
This body of artwork is the product of the artist’s investigation into Americana,
and of his own persistent discomfort with that concept. Originally focused on found
family photographs, this exploration probes themes of household secrets, artifacts of
domestic labor, and stealthy creatures of suburban darkness.
However, nearly a decade of work never unearthed truly satisfying answers. Rather, in seeking such an essence of “Americanism”, the artist encountered instead a
constellation of hauntingly blank spaces. Like a chilling suspicion from barely smelling iron under fresh chlorine, slowly the artist grasped the obvious flaw in the origin
inquiry: the unexamined presumption of Whiteness in the quintessential American experience. The American cultural identity had revealed itself as riddled with redactions. Since then, the artist’s own perception of this collection inverted irreversibly, and is colored instead by the empty spaces left by those omitted, erased, and sanitized.
The true substance of our character is seldom prominently displayed in our front yards. It must be puzzled together from what is found among messy medicine cabinets, dusty attics, and in dark boxes we hide from ourselves but cannot throw away.
Colin Curry was raised in the woods in a home built by his parents and owned by the bank.
After almost twenty years painting, he is now retiring to enter nursing, and considers this
to be his final exhibition. Such accomplishments would have been impossible without consistent and enthusiastic support of this community.
The Hippodrome Theatre Art Gallery invites individuals or collaborators to submit proposals for solo or small group exhibitions during select dates throughout 2024. Proposals may be for existing or new work. Exhibitions average 4-6 weeks and include a public reception.
Please email with any questions or to submit a proposal.